Cancelling your TPG ADSL account is quick and easy - if you know where to find the cancellation form.
Before you start:
Read section 12 of TPG’s terms and conditions and make sure you understand the notice period and/or cancellation fees that apply.
Option 1 - easiest:
Fill out the online cancellation form at
You will not find this link anywhere on the TPG website!
You should get an automated response email within a few minutes and a confirmation email the next working day.
Updates since original post:
- You’ll need to log in with your TPG account details.
- If you get an error page that says something like
Fatal error: Call to undefined function
, just hit refresh (F5 or CTRL-R) and it will load the cancellation form.
Option 2 - slightly more effort:
Send an email to [email protected] with the following information:
Subject: Cancellation Request: [Your Customer ID Number or Username]
Account Holder’s Name:
Service Address where the ADSL is installed:
Reason For Cancellation:
Date Of Cancellation:I confirm that I am aware of the applicable cancellation charges
Option 3 - if you like doing things the hard way:
- Call 13 14 23.
- Wait on hold for 10 minutes.
- Speak to someone who says they can cancel your account immediately, but if you want to cancel it at a date in the future they will have to transfer you to someone else.
- Wait on hold for another 5 minutes.
- Speak to someone who says they can help you if you want to transfer your account to someone else, but if you want to cancel it they will have to transfer you again.
- Wait on hold for another 5 minutes.
- Endure someone from the “Retention Department” trying to convince you not to cancel your account, despite explaining that you are moving overseas.
- Authorise them to email you the cancellation form.
- Complete either Option 1 or Option 2 above. (The “cancellation form” is actually just a PDF’d email giving the link to the online form and email address.)